Smart materials, a breakthrough innovation
If we consider the world of color, for example, the handling of an X-chrome pigment is far from simple. To make production reliable, it is necessary to understand the complex mechanisms at work in these intelligent materials, otherwise we will not be able to master anything. We are far from the classical issues of formulation of a pigment to produce a paint and/or an ink. It is more a question of thermodynamics, phase transition, chemical and structural modifications, photochemical cascade...
The manipulation of X-chrome materials in an application also requires the use of new characterization tools. For example, the color of a material in industry is often controlled by colorimetry, but what about a material that changes colors according to its environment? Implementing this disruptive innovation in the industrial world requires adapting production lines, training teams...
Another major difficulty is the sensitivity of the smart material to its environment. Each change in raw materials, reaction medium, shear forces, and heat treatments will lead to production instability. The challenge is to control the interactivity of these materials until the finished product. This means controlling the maintenance of the desired "intelligent" property throughout the manufacturing chain: color, triggering threshold, speed, structural aspect, memory, reversibility/irreversibility...
But nothing is insurmountable.
These difficulties are barriers to entry for a competitor who would like to copy your innovation, your application. By integrating an intelligent material on one of your products, you gain access to interactivity, it is a way to "rebrand" an article, to "rejuvenate" it.
OliKrom, a team of experts in intelligent materials at your service
OliKrom puts its 15 years of expertise in the field of intelligent materials at your service. Every day, our teams develop new custom smart materials for new applications. We adapt smart properties to the needs and constraints of our industrial partners.
This unique scientific expertise allows us to create breakthrough innovations and to actively participate in the creation, durability and safety of tomorrow's smart coatings.