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When innovation meets public transformation: Last week, OliKrom hosted an exceptional ministerial visit. Guillaume Kasbarian, French Minister for the Civil Service, came to discover our unique expertise in intelligent materials and to discuss the administrative challenges holding back innovation. Here's a look back at this memorable encounter.


Visite du ministre au siège Olikrom

Rencontre avec les équipes d’OliKrom : innovation et savoir-faire au premier plan

Visite du ministre au siège Olikrom

La semaine dernière,  notre entreprise OliKrom a eu l’honneur d’accueillir Guillaume Kasbarian, Ministre de la Fonction publique, de la Simplification et de la Transformation de l’action publique, dans son siège social à Pessac.

Organisée en collaboration avec le Club des ETI de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, cette visite a mis en lumière l’expertise unique d’OliKrom dans le domaine des matériaux intelligents.

Lors de cette rencontre, nos équipes ont eu l’opportunité de présenter les technologies d’OliKrom, notamment la peinture photoluminescente LuminoKrom®, un produit innovant conçu pour sécuriser les mobilités douces en voies circulées. Ce fut également un moment privilégié pour échanger avec Jean-François Létard, fondateur d’OliKrom, sur les défis administratifs freinant l’exploitation optimale de notre pêinture routière luminescente.


What is LuminoKrom® luminescent paint?

marquages luminescents sur route

LuminoKrom® is the innovative photoluminescent paint developed by OliKrom, designed to enhance user safety in low-light environments. Thanks to its unique technology, our paint stores natural or artificial light during the day and releases it at night in the form of visible luminescence, without the need for external energy.

Primarily used for pavement markings on cycle paths, roads and pedestrian zones, LuminoKrom® contributes to the safety of soft mobility in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way. Easy to apply, durable and reliable, it represents an avant-garde vision for improving visibility and preventing accidents, particularly in environments without street lighting.

An enriching round table with the Club des ETI: simplify to innovate

Echanges avec ministre au siège Olikrom

As part of the visit, a round-table discussion brought together the Minister and members of the Club des ETI to discuss a crucial issue: the complex administrative procedures faced by innovative companies. Guillaume Kasbarian demonstrated his willingness to listen attentively and to simplify these processes, in order to foster an environment conducive to innovation and growth for companies like OliKrom.

The discussion also highlighted the role of ETIs as pillars of the local and international economy, and the importance of appropriate support in unleashing their full potential.

Acknowledgements and future prospects

OliKrom would like to warmly thank Guillaume Kasbarian for his support and inspiring vision, as well as all the personalities present, including Marc Prikazsky, President of the Club ETI, and several local elected officials and leaders. This day marks an important turning point in the dialogue between public and private players for sustainable and accessible innovation.


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