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Life of the company

OliKrom selected by the INPI and the New Aquitaine Region 

This training, offered to about ten companies each year, allows managers and employees to learn about Intellectual Property in a personalized way. INPI offers a training course including :

  • 3 collective days, which allow all the companies present to exchange on their IP practices
  • 4 personalized half-day coaching sessions, with themes chosen by the company according to its needs
  • Accompaniment by a person from INPI throughout the year (via a presentation of the program, a diagnosis and a debriefing).

This training allowed OliKrom, on the one hand, to be comforted on its current IP practices and, on the other hand, to set up actions for 2017 in order to prepare the future.

OliKrom is now part of the INPI Talents of the Frères Pereire promotion, whose sponsor was Fabirama NIANG, VP Intellectual Property at Total.